Thursday, October 30, 2008

So I'm just sitting down to eat me a bowl of yummy cereal for dinner while the hubby is packing for our trip to the mountains again this weekend!! Yippee!!

I took some maternity photos for my friend Sarah this evening so I've uploaded a few (unedited except b/w) over on my photography blog to give her a sneak peak...Sarah is due with their first baby in December but her hubby was deployed back in August and won't be home until April! I know I couldn't be as strong as she's been through this pregnancy, but Sarah's just awesome like that!

Sorry so short, but I better step away from the computer for the night, pack and get ready for bed!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so excited! I think my fav was the photo that you posted on your main blog...thanks for not showing my broken nail. I love it! And thank you also for your kind words. I really appreciate all you have done, and I cannot wait to see the edited photos. Will I be getting bigger!

Thanks girlie...and have fun in the mountains!

Sarah Doutt