Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's late in the day Wednesday so I guess that means we're over halfway back to another weekend! Kind makes me think of that song that says "Everybody's working for the weekend!" - But yeah, it's pretty much the truth!!
Tonight is our first night having youth in our new building...And now that we have our OWN building youth is back to Wednesdays instead of Sundays - Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! You just can't even imgaine how happy that makes us leaders...Having youth on Sunday nights in a place where we had to set up and tear down had really started to wear on us all. By the time you got home from Sunday morning service you only had a couple hours to kill before it was time to be back...It started to feel like a horrible chore that we all dreaded and that's SO not how it should be! We're looking forward to a big crowd tonight with lots of visitors and newbies and I can't wait to see what all God has in store for us!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I'm looking forward to hearing how it went. I'm posting stuff from our launch Sunday at West Club and our 2.42 group launch with students last night... don,t know when I'll post actually (hopefully in the next 2 days).