Friday, October 24, 2008

So I've been MEANING to blog like every day this week, but somehow, I keep ending up with a thousand different things to do! I kinda wish all my random thoughts like while I'm driving in the car or trying to fall asleep could just be recorded and automatically posted to my blog...Would definitely make for some interesting reading! I've had several topics I've wanted to blog about this week, but whenever I've had the thought process going on I haven't been near a computer! (And then when I finally do get to a computer my mind goes to mush!)
It's been a busy week, but the weekend is almost officially here! Tomorrow morning I've got a photoshoot with my friend Brandi to get some shots of her three kiddos...And then I've got a friend's baby shower in the afternoon...Oh yeah, and the Georgia game comes on at 3:30! (Yes, ANOTHER afternoon game! Why can't we just have a NIGHT game?!? And we already know that next week against Florida is at 3:30 also!!)
I'm hoping sometime over the weekend I can spend quality time with my super awesome laptop to get some pictures edited! I've got pictures from the beach, Kackleberry Farm, and the mountains that I need to get edited and resized so I can plan out scrapbooking pages for our November 8th Archivers trip. (And between now and then I'll also have added ANOTHER mountain trip to the list of pics to work on!)
Well, like I said, as soon as I sit down to write a post I lose all my terribly interesting thoughts that I wanted to write about...Oh well. Maybe if I post this one and then walk away I can trick myself...

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