Friday, October 10, 2008

Signs of the Season!

Fall! I LOVE Fall!! I always have...There's just something in the air makes it feel so wonderful! I've never been able to really put my finger on it to though...Maybe the cooler (well, slightly!) temps or the start of football season...Definitely the changing colors of the leaves...And the decorations...Pumpkins and scarecrows and bales of hay...

Here's a few "Fall" pics I took last night just playing around with my new lense...

Tonight is the ASU Alumni BBQ...Usually it's outside in the quad with a band playing and a very "Fall" feeling, but tonight's event has already been moved into the gym due to weather...Boo. Well, at least the food's always really good so we'll at least get a good meal out of it even if it's not all festive feeling!

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