Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sunday was our church's 5th anniversary and also our first Sunday at our new campus...It's still hard to comprehend that it's all really ours! Our own sanctuary, our own children/youth building, our own fellowship hall...And we don't have to set up and tear down every week!! I think that's the craziness part of it all!

Here's a silly pic of my sweet little Greybug (note his "very" sad face!) and his buddy Cooper through the window in their new room!

Sunday morning's service was absolutely awesome! We had over 200 MORE people than we've ever had before...Now I know you can't really base everything on numbers, but still, that was a big one for us!

Near the end of Bobby's message the band came back out and we sang "Overcame" and then the chorus of the hymn "This is My Story" as several people came out and shared their "cardboard testimonies." - Each person would walk out on the stage and on one side of their cardboard would be something they've struggled with (or are currently struggling with) and then the flipside showed how God worked (and is still working) in their lives...It was really powerful to see some of these stories and to know that these are all REAL people around us. Definitely a chillbump moment!

I'm still in awe of God's very evident presence during worship! "Awesome" just doesn't even begin to describe it! It was really one of those "you just had to be there" kind of days! Definitely looking forward to next week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree! It was AWESOME!