Sunday, August 16, 2009

While Amy & Reggie had small group this evening we had a little fun with the girls!

First, was a trip up to the playground in the neighborhood, but unfortunately there are no pictures because after about 3 minutes of swinging we had to seek shelter under the slide to avoid being drenched in the sudden downpour!

We'd planned to have a picnic dinner at the playground, but due to the rain we had to relocate that event to our living room!

Afterward we even made a special trip to Brusters for some ice cream! Both girls were perfectly behaved, but the older couple sitting near us enjoyed watching us...At one point I turned to them and said, "They're not ours! We're not very good at this!"

But hey! ice cream is better when you get it all over you, right??

Exciting week ahead...Getting my wisdom teeth out Wednesday! Only two days from now and I'm still excited! Yaaay! (We'll see if I feel the same way come Wednesday evening!)


Unknown said...

Hi Jenn _ it"s Deryle. Just reading your Blog and enjoying your time with the kids. I will be thinking about you on Wednesday - hoping you have a speedy recovery. YOu and Matt are a neat couple and I wish I could have watched you with the kids and ice cream. Just remember, none of us knew what to do with our kids, we just learned by doing it and experiencing those moments. I think you and Matt are wonderful and are getting all kinds of experience that I never had before my children. Lots of love to you both.

Anonymous said...

You two are SO good with kids I can't believe you even said that!! Jadyn would much rather spend the night with y'all than he would with me!

Anonymous said...

beautiful photos!too many interesting things Puppy training