We've been back from our trip to Hilton Head with the Stickels for over a week now and I'm just getting around to blogging about it and posting pictures...Horrible, I know, but I swear life's just so busy with softball still going on! We play Thursday in the semi-finals and if we win we play next Tuesday in the championship...After that (and after Jamaica!) life should settle back down to its normal pace!
We hadn't had a beach trip with the Stickels since Grey was almost 2 so we figured now that JACKSON is almost 2 it was time for another trip! We picked Memorial Day weekend so we'd have the three-day weekend without having to take off work and found a GREAT place on VRBO in Shorewood that was right on the ocean! Unfortunately the weather forecast was looking pretty bad for the weekend, but we all headed down Friday evening anyways hoping for the best!
Saturday morning we all awoke to torrential downpours with no end in sight! Luckily we found an indoor jumping place called "The Island Playground" where we spent most of the afternoon...Sunday started off about the same, but the rain stopped about mid-morning and we were able to head out to the beach! Then of course on Monday (the day we have to leave!) it was all nice and sunny like the beach should be, but we were able to get a few good hours of sun in before we had to make the long drive back home!
A few random thoughts/comments about the weekend:
*Jackson has a crazy fear of elevators and sunscreen
*The girls beat the boys at Pop 5
*Grey has taught Jackson how to eat dropped food off the floor like a dog
At "The Island Playground"
Jackson LOVED this slide!! Up and down! Up and down! And he always stopped at the top to make sure everyone was watching him!
Playing dress up...
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