Saturday, September 13, 2008

First Day of Vacation!

Yippee!! After a long summer we are finally here at West Palm Beach! Our trip down was great! The drive to Atlanta was uneventful and everything went quite well at the airport...Our flight was pretty great too! We played a nice, friendly game of Phase 10 to kill an hour and before we knew it we were landing!! Flying into Palm Beach International was really cool because we descended over a very residential area. It was so crazy to see all these neighborhoods from "up above!" And the funny thing was how you could see the tons of houses that had pools and all the different shapes!

So I'll leave you with a few pictures from the flight and one of the view I currently have out our window while we watch the Georgia game!


stacey said...

Jenn that view is fantastic! I'm so glad your flight went well. Have a great time!

Anonymous said...

That view ROCKS!! Have fun!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, not a great picture of Matt, and your hair looks reder...even more red in case "reder" is not a word. Do anything to ist since I saw you last night? Ya'll have fun...