Thursday, May 1, 2008

Totally random...
But you know what can really get my blood pumping?!?!
An amazing gospel choir!
No, I'm not a 75 year old woman hobbling down the isle with my cane, but I've had my choir experience and I'm telling you, that's about the only thing I miss in a contemporary church!
Throughout high school, I was a part of our church youth choir...And yes, we rocked! I have a few CDs and several hundred tour pics to prove it! As far as youth choirs go, we were recognized as one of the best and our director, John Link, was EXTREMELY well-known and sought after!
With that being said, our adult choir at the time could also do some amazing stuff under John's direction also...One of our all-time favorites was his last direction of "Hallelujah to the Lamb"...
Well, the reason I'm thinking all this randomness while I'm at work on a Thursday afternoon, is the song I've been listening to on repeat for about two hours now..."Thou, O Lord".
My boss brought me a rehearsal CD of songs that his choir is currently working on and told me to listen to #4...It get's to the chorus and I suddenly recall John directing this very song a few years ago...Another amazing song if done by the right choir!
Like I said, totally random...But it all just made me think of the great experiences I had through choir and how great a good choir can be with outstanding direction...
In case you care to hear the song, here's a link to a You Tube video of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir's performance...(Jump to about 3:25 to get to the really kickin' part!)

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