Wednesday, April 9, 2008

After an hour and a half of blood, sweat and tears, I now have a nice header on my blog!
Wowser! I think I really made that a whole lot more difficult than it had to be!!

So on an exciting note, guess where my lucky husband, Matt, spent the day yesterday??

Yep! You guessed it! At the Masters!!

When he got to work Tuesday morning, he was offered a ticket for the day! He felt really bad for going without me, but those things are like gold around here and I told him he better take advantage it!

Unless you've lived in Augusta for a while, you have no idea what the Masters is like around here!! See, around here, kids don't get out of school for "Spring Break"...They get out for "Master's Week"! Some people hate it, but to me it's quite exciting!! I love driving down past the course and just seeing the thousands of people EVERYWHERE! Unless you're a local or big into the PGA Tour, you may have no idea how much people will actually pay for tickets with a face value of only $36. You also may not know that locals around here rent their houses out for the week and make enough to pay their mortgage for the year plus take their family on vacation during the tournament! It's absolutely crazy, but so incredibly intriguing at the same time!!

But enough about the culture! Let's talk about MY Masters experience!
Meet Becky...

This picture Matt took yesterday of Becky is my representation of my time working at the Augusta National during the Masters in 2003 & 2004. Becky was (and still is) the security guard outside the Trophy Room in the clubhouse.

Since it takes a great amount of people to pull off a tournament of this size, tons of locals apply each year to work during the week of the tournament. There are a lot of positions available like cashiers, baggers, litter control, drivers, servers, gallery guards, etc. Well, I applied in 2003 to work as a server (can we say HUGE tips?!?!), but was lucky enough to get an even better position! A position that was actually created for me and a friend! We were chosen to be hostesses. I was the hostess in the Trophy Room (main dining room for only players, members, and their families). What an amazing experience! Words could never ever describe those days! Because of my position, my badge granted me access to anywhere I could ever dream of going on the course or in the clubhouse! (Only thing off limits was the mens' bathrooms/locker rooms and that was only because of my sex!!)

Again...Totally indescribable!! I'll never forget all the amazing people I met and had the advantage of getting to know throughout those weeks! Definitely memories and experiences that will last a lifetime!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's awesome! Lucky Matt!! I'm gonna have to show those pics to my Dad! He will be so jealous...