Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lindsey's got duty tonight so we get to hang out with Jadyn!!

What to do with a two year old for the evening??
Take a trip to the pool of course!

Swimming with Matt...

And obsessively drinking the water!!

Working very hard to squirt all the water out of Thomas ...

Since we kept trying to keep him from gulping the water straight out of the pool he found alternate means!

And no trip to the pool is complete without a snack...Mmmm, goldfish!!

Swimming and chasing kitties around must really wear little boys out...Jadyn was watching TV with Matt and next thing I know he's OUT! Off to bed little guy! (And I'm not far behind you!!)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This past weekend we made a whirlwind trip to North Carolina! Matt's Aunt & Uncle and Grandma (on his dad's side) relocated up there from Atlanta a couple of years ago and we hadn't made it up there to see them yet. Everyone went - Matt's parents, Christine, Amy/Reggie/Natalie/Laurel and Granny.

We spent the afternoon playing at the pool which was definitely a highlight for the girls!
18 month old Laurel swimming!

Our after-dinner group shot...

Granny & Ladybug!

Everyone else headed back Sunday morning while Matt & I headed up to Durham to visit The Summit Church. This is David & Jen Thompson and Shannon Simoneau's church so we were excited to get to check out a church we'd been hearing about for years and also get to hang out with some good friends!
Photo op with Shannon after lunch at Moe's!

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Folder Game!

Haven't really been blogging on here lately...(Well, like 3 weeks if you wanna get technical!) Just been INCREDIBLY busy!
Last Friday-Monday we were at youth camp and I created/updated a blog for parents/friends to keep up with us while we were away...Feel free to check it out if you haven't already.
So now to kick back off my own personal blogging I'm gonna get in on the Folder Game that Shannon started over on her blog...(I think she tagged me, but there's so many Jen's/Jenn's that you can never be sure!!)
So here's how it works...Go to the 10th folder on your wonderful little computer and post the 10th picture in that folder and explain the picture! NO CHEATING! (Feel free to tag some peeps if you'd like to keep the randomness going!)

Here's my pic:

This is a picture is of a flower outside of our apartment where we lived the first couple years we were married. Funny, but I actually remember what all was going on when I took this picture! We were painting our living/dining room (again!) and even though the room was in total disarray one of our cats was sleeping contently on the back of the couch. I got out my camera and took a couple pictures of her and then went outside to take some more random pictures to take a break from painting! Now I keep this pic and a few others from that afternoon on my jump drive to use as my desktop wallpaper here at work!
Now I tag Lindsey, Lindsay & Stacey!
Hope you have a happy Friday and enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Just spent the entire evening at the mall and I'm once again convinced I could never be a shopaholic! I went in to tonight's "shopping spree" with no spending limits on myself and still I did not find any clothes for myself for the first 2 hours! (I did find black and white panties that I wanted, but that just doesn't really count!) It wasn't until our final stop in Express that I found three dress shirts that I liked and even then I would have NEVER gotten them had they not been 40% off! I even put my favorite one back without even a second thought when I thought it wasn't on sale! I just have such a hard time buying for myself if I can't justify the item as a complete and total necessity! For example, I had to force myself to get another pair of black close-toed dress shoes despite the fact that the only ones I've ever owned are falling apart...So they're all scuffed up and the sides are pealing away, they still serve their purpose! They still protect my feet when I'm walking and that's all they're supposed to do!! Who cares what they look like?!? I don't! Agh! It's craziness! (And yes, for those of you who know me really well, I WOULD still be wearing my original fake Birkenstocks with the soles worn paper thin had God Himself not asked me to give them up!!)

Anyways! Tomorrow's Thursday, but it's the last day of the work week before our three day weekend!! Yaaay for the Fourth of July!! Looking forward to lots of pool time with some good books!