This post is going to be a jumbled mess...because that's the state of my mind right now...A jumbled mess. We went down to my parents house after work...To pay their bills and do their accounting. As soon as we walked in the door my dad said, "Did mama tell you that cat got run over?" - "UH, NO!" What the heck?!? Yeah, PJ, their cat who surprised us with those kittens back in my post about July 4th. Like I said before, she was FORMERLY the devil but became super lovable after she had the kittens. We'd even considered bringing her here to live outside after my parents move! She's got babies! And my dad just BLURTS out that she's dead (or "smashed," as he put it). He said it all nonchalantly tonight but I know it probably really upset him when he got home the other day and saw her. Like Matt said, they've flat out LIED to me about what's happened to every other animal in my life, so why the heck did they choose tonight to be honest?!? Okay so enough about that. On to the next jumbled subject in my head. This never-ending process of relocating my parents. Their realtor , Mike, came by at 6 with an offer on their house that a couple had made today. Amazingly enough it was a really good offer. I didn't have to think more than about 3 seconds about it. I was pretty excited. But of course my mom had to go back and forth with it all for an hour. She wanted to counter over nothing! The people are offering $2100 OVER the asking price as long as my parents will cover the closing costs. It's kind of a no-brainer! I mean you hardly EVER get full asking price for a house! So after about 2 hours of me, Matt and Mike trying to convince my parents that this is the way to go, (and my dad trying to put in his two-cents even though he can barely talk) we finally got them to accept the offer. Yippee! But lucky for us, it doesn't just end there! Now on to the task of convincing them to put back in the same offer on the condo they want that had been accepted last time. We went through two rounds of counter offers on the condo last time around so why not just resubmit the final agreed upon offer?!?! There is absolutely no need to try to get the condo for $500 less than before! That's just asking for trouble! I'm already worried enough that the offer will get rejected on the grounds that my parents had to back out of it last time! Just give the people what they wanted last time and lets all move on with life! Oh yeah, MOVING...That's another fun topic! The buyers of my parents house want to close on Friday, September 26. After thinking about it, we (well, Matt & I at least) decided that's completely doable...We load up the truck at their house in the morning, go to close on their house in the afternoon, close on the condo afterwards and then go unload the truck at the condo that evening...Then you've got all weekend to get settled in...(Somehow in the next month we'll just have to convince my parents that that's the way it should be done!)...The problem is, we'd typically planned to have an estate sale/yard sale the weekend before move to get rid of all the tons of stuff that can't go with them, but Matt & I will be on summer vacation in West Palm Beach the TWO weekends before the move!! That means we'd have to do the sale on Saturday the 6th...But that only gives us this weekend and next to get everything ready and I'm going to be out of town THIS weekend! AGH! Insanity! If this would have all worked out the first time around they'd be all moved out, moved in, and settled by now! Oh well. Life's life I guess. But sometimes it's frustrating and I can't deal and it makes me feel like a crap person. Like right now I'm sitting here blogging because I just need to get all this randomness out of my head so I might at least have a fighting chance of falling asleep tonight...But instead maybe I should be paying attention to my poor husband who has to put up with all my crap. And not just THIS crap. ALL my crap. (Sorry to those who don't like that word, but I can't think of anything better to say at the moment). I usually think that I'm a pretty good, thoughtful person, but obviously I'm quite selfish. Sometimes I don't know how Matt puts up with me. I've just got issues. Too many to even make sense of in my jumbled state right now. Yeah. I definitely don't see sleep in future tonight.