When Matt & I first got married (May 2004) we moved into Arborside (apartments). Shortly thereafter, (August 2004) Matt's mom told us that the young guy who works for her was getting married and they were moving in our apartment complex and would actually be right across the street from us. Well, sure enough, they did. And every now and then we'd see them getting home from work or taking in groceries, but we never spoke (or even acknowledged each other for that matter!!) Finally, a full year later (August 2005) from our upstairs window in our office I saw Jason pull up, get out and go inside their apartment. Obviously I was in some sort of wild and crazy mood because after 45 minutes of begging, I finally convinced Matt that we should just go knock on their door and introduce ourselves! So with our hearts beating in throats, we made the long walk across the parking lot and met two of the best people in the world!
Jason & Kacey invited us in and we sat and talked for HOURS that first evening. It was absolutely crazy how much the four of us had in common! Within a couple of weeks we were basically inseperable. We were together almost every night. We'd get home from work/class and head over to Jason & Kacey's where the guys would play NCAA Football on XBox while Kacey and I chilled on the couch with a couple of good books! Looking back, it seems like that period in our lives lasted for years, but it was really only less than a year.
In May (2006) Jason & Kacey moved back to Gibson (about an hour away) to be closer to family. Although we kept saying we were gonna make it down to Gibson to spend the weekend with them, in all the craziness of life it just never happened, so text messaging became our main means of communication. In December, Matt & I closed on our new house and we too moved out of the ol' Arborside! We were totally floored when Jason & Kacey (and Kacey's twin sister, Stacey) showed up at our housewarming party! This was the first time we'd seen each other since they'd moved in May!
Of course before they left that night, we once again vowed that we'd have to get together more often, but as life sometimes goes, that too never happened.
Now here we are November of 2008, and we haven't seen our friends in literally just shy of two full years, (Again, thanks to text messaging, we DO know of the major happenings in each others lives or even what good books we've just GOT to read!) but when I got an invitation in the mail for Kacey's baby shower I did everything possible to make sure we would finally make it Gibson!
Kacey's shower was Saturday morning and Matt & I both are so so glad we were able to go. I went to the shower while the guys hung out playing none other than NCAA Football! Afterwards we were able to watch a little of the Georgia game together before we had to head back to the big city for a wedding.
The thing we just can't get over is how "normal" everything was...I mean, usually there's some sort of awkwardness when you're with people you haven't seen (or barely talked to!) in TWO years, but it was literally like it had only been two WEEKS!! Man it makes me miss them! It was so hard after they moved, but I'm just so thankful that we all still just have that crazy connection that we've had from day one!
Kacey will be having her baby here in Augusta on Thursday, December 18th. Can't wait!! The date's already on the calendar!!
So once again, as we left Saturday, we all said "We've got to get together more often!" but we all know how far that's gotten us in the past. I think this time we'll all try a little harder, give it a bit more effort, and just keep in touch better, but in the end, at least we know that whether it's weeks, months or years, we've got a crazy kind of bond that'll always last!